Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Random Thoughts

I have been in a bit of "grinch-mode" for a long time now. Christmas as our society of greed makes it is not my favorite holiday. I always dreamed of having a Christmas of giving but not one of "monetary-store-bought-gota-have -the- latest-fad presents". I would like a Christmas that epitomizes what God did when he sent his Son to Earth to save us from most importantly ourselves! What does that Christmas look like? For me it would look like me emptying out my pockets, the car ash tray and the bottom of my purse of any change that has sat there for months never being touched to put it into the red bucket for those who need a hand up. It's looks like standing in a soup kitchen line serving food to anyone who is there because of whatever there circumstance is. It looks like me looking at my life and realizing that it's not about what I have or don't have, it's not about what someone did to me, it's not about being stressed over the ways of this world so much that I don't see the good in what I have at this very second. I want my Christmas to be different than the norm. Did I make it that way this year? Not really. Do I need to change that for next year? Yes, but I think really I need to change it so that every day is not about the "gotta-have-it" mentality. Here's to a new year and a new day to change the way it has been. Bring it on, please!

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