Thursday, April 23, 2009

Almost Double Digits

It's hard to believe that 9 years ago we were bringing home our first child! It seems like so long ago when I compare it to what we started from but when I look at Jackson it seems like just a few days ago instead of 9 years. I remember sitting in the back seat of the car not wanting to get out because I didn't think I was old enough or wise enough to bring a baby home and raise him. Somedays now that feeling still comes back. Then I get out of the car and witness this amazing, talented, smart, wise, and humorous boy and think of all I would have missed had I not gotten out of the car! Jackson, I am so proud to be your mom, to laugh at your humor, to be told I didn't do the math problem right and to be in awe of God's creation in you! Happy Birthday almost double digits!

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